Village Proposal 2024-2028

Investing in Community Change for Children and Families

The momentum and early impact of Village’s work has been externally evaluated and we are able to demonstrate the value of this approach to connect Government strategies, Directorates, social and education services with community. In addition, Village has begun to engage community to be part of the decisions to create a system that will more effectively meet the needs of their children.

Proposal for cross directorate funding


Sustainable and long-term core funding for the roles provided by a dedicated coordinating team is critical to embed the impact achieved and to scale the ACT Government’s investment to the wider ACT. Core funding will enable the initiative to attract longer term additional funding through partnerships with philanthropic organisations, academic and research institutions, and potentially the Commonwealth Government.

Village seeks a cross-directorate funded approach from July 2024 – the end of June 2028 to connect relevant cross sector strategies with collective community action to improve child and family outcomes across the ACT.

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