Meeting with ECECs
Meeting with ECECs in Belconnen
Early education and the role of the Early Childhood Education Centres (ECECs) is a topic of national interest. The Commonwealth Department of Education received 350 responses to its Education’s Early Years Discussion Paper. The SA Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education has released its final report. Many of the themes in these responses and recommendations echo what Village has been hearing from it’s visits to local ECECs. We have made connection with 19 centres to understand the needs of staff, children and families as the sector responds to social and policy changes. So far we have heard that there is:
- A lack of connection to primary schools (to better support child transitions to primary school)
- A growing need to up-skill and train newly qualified staff. (Centres are finding that the qualified standard is not appropriate or at the expected level.)
- An increased need for staff to be trained in how to address developmental delays or behavioural difficulties in children attending ECECs.
By fostering connections with these centres and providing a platform to be heard, Village can link them to relevant resources on transitions, enrolment and child development, and existing or emerging networking opportunities. This empowers educators to establish stronger connections and enhance their abilities to support children and families effectively.
Village hopes to connect with all centres in Belconnen. If you would like to meet, please contact