Artwork Profile
The artwork seen throughout the Village website was commissioned by Village and created by Ngunnawal art and now proudly sits in the foyer of UnitingCare Kippax for everyone to enjoy.
The artwork was created to reflect the overarching goal of Village, which is that all Children in Belconnen are physically healthy, socially, and emotionally strong and ready to engage fully in learning and life.
In order to thrive, children need to be supported or nestled by their family, and in turn the family needs to be supported by community (extended family and friends, groups etc.), services and policy so that they have a good life. Village partners ARACY have identified these key areas as being of high importance for a child to thrive.
- Identity and culture
- Learning
- Love and safety
- Healthy
- Participation
- Material basics
We know that these areas are interrelated and that each of the elements need to work together to create a strong support system, that tightly wraps around the child to enable their best childhood and future life, in the way a nest supports a chick.